Hypnotherapy for Horse Riding Confidence
I have ridden horses since I was a young child and have owned ponies and horses since I was 11 years old. As a teenager, I was a very confident rider and loved nothing better than galloping everywhere, usually out of control! As I matured, this was replaced by a sense of being more responsible but I still enjoyed the thrill of riding and enjoyed a good gallop over stubble and across bridleways.
However, 17 years ago, I got a new horse which also coincided with the birth of my first child and consequently, I lost all confidence. I battled with this loss and tried to make myself ‘get on with it but found that I was viewing my weekly rides with trepidation and in the end, I was restricted to one short ride that I felt confident enough on and this ride involved a 2-mile road hack – certainly nothing off-road!
Approximately 3 years ago, that horse died and I replaced her with a gorgeous gelding who ticks all the boxes. I had newfound confidence as he was nothing like the previous ride and discovered that I could go back onto bridleways etc and could do different rides! However, the 14 years of struggling with my mare had left its toll and even though I knew that my new horse wasn’t like her I couldn’t shake the fear of being bolted with and consequently, my rides deteriorated into just walking, albeit off-road rather than on road.
At this point, I met Caroline and was fascinated with the idea that she could change my mindset. I knew in my heart of hearts that all my problems were in my head and not with my horse but didn’t know how to stop them.
I signed up for a 6 session course with Caroline and it has been revolutionary! She is always so positive and happy and is a really good ambassador for what she teaches. She immediately puts you at ease and the whole process from start to finish makes you feel really good about yourself.
Just a few sessions in, the effect on my riding was amazing and also on my friend who I ride out with – although she wasn’t having the sessions with Caroline she also benefitted from her tips for dealing with stressful situations and within a few weeks we were trotting and cantering all over the place!
This summer, it is always tricky to juggle work, children and riding so generally we end up having a few weeks where we can’t ride. This was my first big break from riding since I underwent hypnotherapy last Autumn and I needn’t have worried – our first ride out saw us confidently cantering and going past obstacles we would have previously found quite nerve wracking.
The other aspect of hypnotherapy is the knock-on effect it has had on the rest of my life. It offers tools to help with everyday situations, not just seeing a swan at the side of the lake!
Since my course, several members of my family have also visited Caroline as they have witnessed the amazing effect it has had on me and they too have all benefitted.
For anyone considering hypnotherapy, I would have no hesitation in saying ‘Go For It’!!!
Kate, Northamptonshire