Need a Kick-Start to Spring With Your Horses? Winter is nearly over and we are now beginning to see signs of spring – longer days, the odd day of glorious sunshine and beautiful primroses and daffodils popping up in the Devon hedgerows and gardens. This...
The latest from
Riding With Confidence
Building a True Connection With Your Horse
Building a true connection with your horse Over the last few years I have reconnected with my ‘special’ horse in a way I didn’t think possible and I put this down to the fact that I am a practicing clinical hypnotherapist. In each session with a client there is...
Nerves affecting your ability to enjoy competing with your horse?
Nerves affecting your ability to enjoy competing with your horse? Do you feel that you and your horse could be achieving more if your nerves were in check? How many times have you driven to a venue with your stomach churning and negative thoughts whirling around your...
Enjoying your life and your horse in the winter months
Enjoying your life and your horse in the winter months Are you enjoying your life and horse this winter? It is easy to allow the short winter days to get us down. We can’t spend so much time with our horses and we are restricted in what we can do too. When we are with...
Scared of falling off your horse?
Scared of falling off your horse? Reducing fear and improving rider confidence When you are riding, do you feel overwhelmed with the concern you might fall off and the effect this might have on you and those around you? Are you too scared to get on a horse anymore as...
Stress Relief the Equine Way
Stress Relief the Equine Way The positive effect of your relationship with your horse Have you wondered how spending time with your horse actually seems to relieve your stress? There is a neuroscientific explanation for this, as being with your horse actually helps to...
Improving your relationship with your horse
Improving Your Relationship With Your Horse How being a compassionate rider improves your day to day life Treating your horse in a calm and compassionate way is great way of improving your relationship with your horse, but it also impacts positively on your day-to-day...
Managing Anxiety for Horse Riding
Managing Anxiety for Horse Riding As compassionate horse owners and riders, we are aware of the impact of any anxiety on our horse. We are often told to ensure we are in the most relaxed state before we climb on the mounting block. Whilst this is easy to say, it is...
About ITC
Inspired to Change Hypnotherapy is the leading provider of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Services in the UK. We use modern, clinically proven techniques to help our clients achieve positive outcomes.