Love is in the air at Inspired to Change!
February, the month of love, romance and all things heart shaped. But what if you’re not so lucky in love? Believe it or not, hypnotherapy can help; here are three of our favourite stories about finding romance following hypnotherapy.
A different perspective – Pippa’s story
“One of the key things I have learnt from my sessions with Caroline, in the Thrapston clinic, is how to view things from a different, less judgemental, perspective and a recent event helped me realise how far I have moved forward in this respect.
I was away with my partner on holiday and noticed he was more anxious than usual, becoming frustrated with waiting to get through customs and getting agitated when he couldn’t access his e-mails from abroad.
In the past I might have been tempted to snap something like “what’s all the fuss about, relax we are on holiday”, which probably would have frustrated him further and caused a rather frosty silence, which could have ruined part of our holiday.
But my sessions with Caroline allowed me to look at it differently. I was able to reason my reactions out in a very grounded and calm manner. I remembered Caroline saying that it’s not the situations we find ourselves in but how we react to them that makes the difference and to be aware that you don’t always know what is going on for the other person.
Imagine my surprise on the final day of the holiday as my partner proposed to me! All his stress and anxiety had been caused by trying to organise the “perfect proposal”. He was very nearly stopped at customs for a routine search which would have revealed the ring. He had been co-ordinating the logistics of the proposal by email which explained his stress at losing his email access.
It all made sense now! And thanks to my hypnotherapy sessions I had been able to step back and deal with the situation in a calm and relaxed way meaning that we both enjoyed our holiday and are now looking forward to our wedding!”
A new start – James’ story
James came to see Ali in our Kent clinic a few months after his last romantic relationship had broken down; he was having a complete crisis of confidence. In distress during his free initial consultation it became clear this drop in his confidence was representative of deeper, older issues as well as the unpleasant, cold manner of the breakup. Ali explained that not only could she help him with the present issue, that the underlying issues could be dealt with at the same time, without referencing the past.
During the sessions Ali helped James to begin focusing on the positive aspects of his personality, his needs and his right to be appreciated. This resulted in James making more time for himself, getting back out dating and, because he was feeling happier in himself, meant he enjoyed his time with his children more. James now felt completely confident and happy and he knew what he was worth and he was determined to be valued. A few months later Ali saw James and he reported having met a wonderful woman who was everything he wanted…they are planning on moving in together.
Wedding Bells – Adam’s Story
Adam went to see Gary in our Peterborough clinic a few years ago and in Gary’s words “I had the loveliest reminder of how our clients continue to benefit from having hypnotherapy long after they finish working with us. Three years ago I met my client Adam; a real gentleman of a guy – young, good looking and genuinely one of the nice guys. However he was was single, very single in fact.
Even though he was handsome, well groomed and well mannered, he had a real challenge when communicating with women. He had always struggled with speaking to them and found it impossible to approach them and even if he was aware they liked him he would still avoid opportunities to interact.” Gary worked with Adam over several sessions building his confidence.
Gary continues “I saw Adam again a little while later and he’d proudly informed me that he had a girlfriend and that he was indeed very happy.” At the end of last year something rather exciting dropped through the mailbox – an invite to Adam’s wedding. “I think its our first Inspired to Change wedding! This is one of those times that you feel what you do is magic.” We agree!
Relationships are not just a would like to have, they are an essential part of our wellbeing, so it is well worth us creating positive relationships, not just with our partners but family, friends and co-workers too. Solution focused hypnotherapy helps you focus on the positive aspects of your life and creates an internal resilience that is so vital when you’re playing the dating game!
If you’re struggling to create the connections you want to make it might be time to book in to see your local Inspired to Change Hypnotherapist for your FREE initial consultation.
Don’t forget to check out our Top Tips for Building Great Relationships
If you’d like to find out how hypnotherapy could help you achieve your goals get in touch with your local Inspired to Change hypnotherapist and book your FREE initial consultation. Inspired to Change Hypnotherapists are based across the UK in Bristol, Cambridgeshire, Devon, Kent, Lincolnshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Norfolk and Somerset.
Inspired to Change Hypnotherapists are all recognised by the National Council for Hypnotherapy, the UK’s leading not-for-profit hypnotherapy professional association.
To find out how you can train as a solution focused hypnotherapist click here for our hypnotherapy school information