Hypnotherapy Puts the Joy back into Life
Here at Inspired to Change we know how powerful hypnotherapy can be in bringing about positive changes in your life.
We don’t spend much time looking at our clients problems in our therapy rooms, in fact pretty much all of our attention is focused on how our clients WANT to feel and what they WANT to be doing – a far more positive approach which our clients love!
And regardless of what the issue is when we ask that question, ”how do you want to be feeling?” the response we often get is “I’d be feeling happy again”.

It doesn’t have to be a major life crisis that leads someone to come and see a hypnotherapist. One new client who came to see me this week summed up how many of my clients feel when they seek out my help, “Really, everything is fine. My life is great, I have a wonderful family who love me and a great job. But here’s the thing – I’m just not feeling the joy in any of it anymore”.
And this is where our ‘solution focused’ approach to hypnotherapy at Inspired to Change really excels – helping people to re-connect with the joy they have in their lives, helping them understand what is happening in their brain, why their focus has shifted away from all the good things in their lives and helping them understand the small simple changes they can make to shift that focus back.
For Sarah in Maidstone it was a familiar story, “Before seeing Ali at the Maidstone clinic I was feeling very low and sad, and nothing seemed to help. Since seeing Ali I now take notice of the way I feel at the time when I’m feeling low or sad and I put positive actions in place to resolve it and that’s how I control the way I feel now”
For Andrew a build up of stress had led to constant panic attacks, acute anxiety and a level of depression. “I could not sleep, could not eat, was permanently close to tears, and finally broke down at work, resulting in my being declared unfit to work for a period of time. My relationships with my family and friends were difficult, and I felt totally isolated at home and at work. By chance, my wife spotted Gary’s leaflet for the Peterborough clinic and she arranged my first consultation. From the start, I felt a ray of hope. As our regular consultations went on, my attitude and feelings improved. After two weeks, the panic attacks had stopped, I was beginning to take joy in my surroundings and everyday occurrences. With time and care, Gary rebuilt my self-esteem, treated my concerns, and taught me how to be happy again. I am now back at work, I look forward to the day ahead, and I have control over my own destiny. Most importantly, my relationships with family is so improved, I am like a different person.”
For Amber her ongoing depression had stopped her from really enjoying and making the most of life. But just 6 sessions with Caroline in our Northamptonshire clinic turned all that around, “You’ve given me my life back and changed my life around for the better! There is no way I could even imagine being back where I was! I’m back to the old me that everyone loves and all I can do now is keep progressing forward!”
If you’ve lost some of the joy in your life and you’d like to find out how hypnotherapy could help you get in touch with your nearest Inspired to Change hypnotherapist and book your FREE initial consultation.
Inspired to Change Hypnotherapists are based across the UK in Bristol, Cambridgeshire, Devon, Kent, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire Northamptonshire, Norfolk and Somerset.
Inspired to Change Hypnotherapists are all recognised by the National Council for Hypnotherapy, the UK’s leading not-for-profit hypnotherapy professional association.
To find out how you can train as a solution focused hypnotherapist click here for our hypnotherapy school information